Friday, August 31, 2018

Week 31 - Ser Una Luz

March 20, 2018

Hello all! This week was fabulous and I hope yours was too!!

There was a lot of new things this week, well new everything. New area, investigators, ward, comp so it was a bit of an adjustment, but I love everything! I'm so happy and it's nice that I can start fresh.

Our area is very city-ish! I don't even know how to describe it, but I love it!! There are so many people and the area is a lot bigger than my last one.

I learned a lot from a reunion we had on Friday that I want to apply. We talked about the theme of light in the scriptures (I invite you all to look and find the theme of light in the scriptures too!) and the new focus we have, which is increasing our faith in Christ and His promises. I had a district meeting a few weeks ago where our district leader talked about the promises from the scriptures and how powerful those promises are. I really liked how our faith in Christ will directly relate with the fulfillment of the promises! So we should increase our faith in Christ to act on that faith unto the fulfillment of the promises.

We have been working with a few people in specific this week: Jose and Carol and Juan Pablo. Carol is a sweetheart and came to the relief society activity on Friday for the 100th year celebration or something like that, and it was amazing, that day we had discussed the plan of salvation, which she had a lot of questions about, and the activity was alice in wonderland themed and talked about the importance of decisions and deciding what plan, the plan of eternal happiness or eternal misery. It was really cutely done but also full of the spirit and EXACTLY what Carol needed. 

We invited Juan Pablo, who doesn't believe much in Christ (but he's progressing  a lot with his faith in Him) to be baptized, and he didn't say no! He said he'll pray about  it, which is really good becasue he's been investigating for a while and it says on his registro that every other time he said he doesn't like ritual things and so no. We also invited Carol to be baptized and she said yes! She just need to get married(:

Sunday night was really fun, because on the way home from the charla we ended up being in a group of missionaries and decided to sing hymns. We sang some of our favorites and at the end a man talked to one of the elders asking about the church! It was really cool to feel how the spirit can speak to us through music, no matter where we are!

Love you all! keep being a light!!

Hermana Briggs

pics: if I'm with a gringa, shes my new comp (ice cream and temple I think) all the others are from my last area that I couldn't send until now(:

Week 30 - No email this week!

March 13, 2018

No email this week!

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Week 29 - Miracles. That's what Happened.

March 6, 2018

 Our nightly grape hunting behind our house!
I just want y'all to know that missions are the's the update for this week:

Thursday we had a lesson with David and Jessi. To be honest, when I first met David I was suuuper intimidated, first because he talks fast and uses large words I don't understand and also has a large knowledge because he's studied a lot. But after getting to know them more and spending time with them I have found they are really down to earth people and are base their lives on faith and I've learned A LOT from them. They are really a special family! They invited us to have 'once' with them and at the end we read 'The Family: A Proclamation to the World' to discuss with them. While we were eating we were talking about prophets and he really couldn't grasp the importance of them and why we need someone else to tell us what to do. After, the family was brought up and we read the proclamation. We answered a few questions and when we got to the end, he said yes this is all right, this is exactly the way the family should and has been ordained to be, it's clear in the bible, any one can study it and find these truths. We said yes! God's truths never change! Even thought the world's do. Then he responded, 'but why do we need a prophet or a proclamation to tell us this, it's clear in the bible!' but then he started to think, we didn't have to even say anything and he realized 'oh, but not everyone has the ability or time to study the bible as I have to know this. I guess it would makes sense that God would send somebody to declare His truths so that everyone has an even chance to understand.' YES exactly! I love it when everything about the gospel starts to make sense. He has doubted a lot of things, largely starting with Joseph Smith, but I know that little by little his heart is being softened to receive the truth.
Yair's baptism!! 

Saturday Yair got baptized!! It was a really special day. Thursday and Friday we spent a little bit of time going to the member's houses to give them invitations we made for his baptism and they worked! Many members came to support and lots of Yair's family came too!! I played my violin for a special musical number which was pretty fun too. The spirit was soo strong the whole time and Yair was so excited. After the baptism I was talking with his mom and his step-dad and they said 'can you teach us? we want to have the lessons, we want to be baptized.' WHAT??!! I was so happy! His mom told me she could feel the spirit really strong during the hymns and could feel so much peace and wanted that. She said she wanted her family to be eternal as well. WOW the spririt really is the one that does the testifying. This gospel is so true and really does change lives!!

Monday whenever we had a lesson that terrified me. My heart was beating like 2000x a minute almost the whole time haha. Here's what happened: We contacted an old man who was really sad about his wife who passed away a few years ago and didn't think that he could see her again. So we shared a little and said we would pass by to visit him. He said he he would like us to meet his granddaughter so Monday we passed by. When we entered we sat down and started to talk to his granddaughter who was already outside when we got there. Her grandpa sat down a little ways away and we started to talk to the girl, who immediately seemed really anxious. She kept looking at the house and saying that she had lots of homework but asked us if we wanted water. I said sure, so she went in the house and came out with water. She said her mom asked her when she was going to do her homework and that she didn't have much time, so we started to end and set up another day we could come back. The door creaked and she looked up with fear as her mom busted through the door and immediately started shouting and almost screaming and her grandpa about how we were his visitors and he needed to attend to us and why did he invite us and yeah, we were frozen and I thought for 2 seconds about getting up and just leaving.. but we stayed. 

A few minutes later she looked at our water and said, 'you don't even have soda.' So she brought us cups with coca cola and sat down and said 'sorry this isn't your fault.' We started to talk a bit and asked a few questions and she told us she respects us but didn't want anything because when she was 16 or so she already talked with missionaries and has a Book of Mormon. I had the thought to ask her what was most important to her, so I did, and she said 'respect for what I believe.' Then I had the prompting to ask the same question. So I did. She said, 'my two girls and their happiness and God.' From this sprouted a dozen other questions and we shared with her how God also wants the best for us and wants us to be happy. Just like you have set rules and guidelines for your girls so they can make the most out of life, God has commandments and rules that we follow so that we can assure our happiness here and after this life.' She opened up and shared more of her difficulties and beliefs, even though she was still pretty serious. I think she was a little stressed. At the end, we asked her if we could come back to teach and converse with her more, and she said 'I don't think that me meeting you today was a coincidence, so yes.' And she invited us back the very next day. We walked away wondering what just happened. A miracle, that's what happened.
Playing scum with the hnas today.. Hna Halling goes home next week!! :')

AHH guys I want you all to know that God loves us and is aware of each of us. I am so grateful for the spirit to guide and for this gospel that brings hope and peace in my life and so many others. True happiness is only found while living the principles of the gospel. I love my Savior. I have developed this love more and more throughout the last few weeks studying Him and His life. His love for us is incomprehensible. We each can come to know Him and his mercy and feel of His love no matter where we are in our lives! Love you all and hope you can start today to make a goal to be a little better to invite more fully the light of Christ into your life! You will be blessed, that's a promise(:

Con mucho amor,
Hermana Briggs

Week 28 - Libro de Mormon!

February 27, 2018

Hola holass!!!
Otro semana?! Como??! Pero bueno. I love the mission and time is flying by. I hit my 6 months mark a few weeks ago already! Ah!
Popppcornnn!! And did y'all know you could make it in a pot?? I definitely did not but it is SO rico!! my new nightly fav.
Last week we had a zone conference at president's house and talked about the importance of the Book of Mormon, that it is SO important. Reading and applying the Book of Mormon will give us power and protection from the world, and brings a spirit into our lives like nothing else can. We've been applying using the Book of Mormon more in our teaching and have seen many miracles! The Book of Mormon has all the answers we need and more, we just have to be willing to open it and read it! We also studied the talk, 'The Book of Mormon: What would your life be without it' by President Nelson. In his talk he asks three questions: "First, what would your life be like without the Book of Mormon? Second, what would you not know? And third, what would you not have?" I challenge you all to think about these questions and truly answer them and you will find the priceless value of the Book of Mormon!
teaching Spanish to Cassandra!!

This Saturday Yair is going to be baptized!! I am SO excited for him and he has been working really hard to prepare. We have been talking with his mom as well and she is really supportive and with time I think she will come along as well(: She already has been saying that one day she is going to get baptized!

Hna Halling and I are going to make it onto the fridge of Pres Morgan one day(:
Being a missionary is a lot of work, but nothing good comes without work and sacrifice...nada. And when we make sacrifices for the Lord, he promises to pour out his blessings upon us. All the little sacrifices we make- reading our scriptures everyday, praying sincerely, attending church and repenting and participating in the sacrament, tithing, all add up to grand blessings, now and after this life.

Love and miss you all!!
Hermana Briggs

ps sorry it's short today, lots of other stuff happened but I don't have time to write it, lo siento..

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Week 27- Lucha of Life

February 20, 2018

Familiy y amigos!!
This week has been really great! Last Thursday we had a conference with Elder Christofferson of the Twelve Apostles and it was amazing! It was a last minute thing we had because one of his appointments got canceled so we were so blessed to listen to him (and shake his hand..ahhh!) and a member of the seventy, Elder Bragg. (side note, Elder Christofferson's spanish is a 10/10, he has no accent like at all, and he has a nice sense of humor). I learned a lot and recieved answers I have been praying for and needed. I can bear witness that God really has called apostles  and prophets like he did in times of old to help guide us and give us direction! We just have to choose to listen and follow them.

Elder Christofferson asked us for questions, and then he said he would answer them, so 4 missionaries got to ask questions. And some of them were exactly things I had been asking or thinking about! Some of them were 'How can I recieve and recognize personal revelation,' (with practice, diligence, and patience, and a lot more but I forgot my notes so I can't remember exactly!) 'how can I lose fear of sharing the gospel,' (to which Elder Christofferson responded you don't haha, you just do it anyway out of your love for God and for others) 'how can I consegrate myself 100% to the Lord' (he said this is the 'lucha' of life, and the only one who did it perfectly was Jesus Christ when he gave 100% of His will over to the Father. He said one thing we can do better in this aspect is by giving our glory to God, like Christ did.) and 'how can one increase their faith' (he said that faith is directly related to obedience, the more obedience, the more faith. And when we aren't obedient, we repent, and then are obedient and develop more faith). Anyway, it was really good, and I've been able to apply the things I learned a lot this week!

This week we've been looking for less actives, some of whom have been less active for 25 to 30 years! But we've seen a lot of blessings for being diligent and patient. Luis is progressing a lot! We are teaching him English because he has a test in his work for it or something, so we've been teaching both the gospel and another language! But we're teaching him using the gospel, for example, we have lots of 'liahona's- the church magazine and in the back is a part for little kids that he will translate, or on the gospel app you can change the language and listen to it and follow along. We also leave reading assignments in spanish and tell him he can't do his english assignment until he does his spanish one (before he didn't read them all that often). Since we started this he hasn't missed a day (:

That's about it for today. I've seen so many blessings from God and have learned SO much this week. I am so grateful to be here and am learning more and more how to make to most and love every single day as it comes! I love being a missionary!! Don't forget that charity never faileth(:

Muchisimo amor,
Hermana Briggs

Helaman 3:35- "Nevertheless they did fast and pray oft, and did wax stronger and stronger in their humility, and firmer and firmer in the faith of Christ, unto the filling their souls with joy and consolation, yea, even to the purifying and the sanctification of their hearts, which sanctification cometh because of their yielding their hearts unto God."

pictures: -with hermana Fajardo (from peru), she got here the same time and is super cute(:
-hermana Avila!! (from argintina) She was my first hermana capacitadora and goes home this next transfer and is literally an angel.
-activity de zona, we played soccer, had steaks and a water balloon fight. yeah my zone is the best.
-my companion hermana Vasquez's birthday yesterday!! isn't she just the cutest??! also have you ever tried a yogurt cake? yeah neither had I (:

Week 26 - Endureth to the End

February 13, 2018

Familia y amigos!
This week was super seco! Our investigators are progressing a lot. Yair had his entrivista yesterday and is ready to get baptized! I am really excited for him. He understands the commitment and covenants he is making to get baptized and he has the support of his older sister and brother which is so amazing to see them help support and grow his testimony by sharing theirs!

This week we were able to do service and help a member clean the back part behind her house. I am so grateful for service opportunities! Many times we can ask and they say 'no it's okay, don't worry about it,' and I've found that the only way to actually serve someone is to be proactive and just say that you'll be dropping by a certain day and hour to help. Or if someone needs help with something, whether it be preparing food, grocery bags, or doing dishes you just have to start doing it. And then come to find out after they really are grateful for the help and needed it. Real service is not passive. And if we aren't constantly looking for service opportunities we will rarely find them.

A really good lesson we had this week was with Paulina. It was about the Plan of Salvation, and really hit home for her. I love the plan of salvation, which is also called the Plan of Happiness, which name I like better. It gives so much perspective and purpose to our lives and when people really understand it, a light comes into their eyes and I love watching them realize the great plan that God has for them!

I am learning a lot, every week. But mostly to just enjoy everyday and to do my best, and then leave the rest up to the Lord and trust in Him. I have been reading the scriptures listed under Jesus Christ in the topical guide. There are a LOT! Learning about Him and feeling of his power when I read has strengthened my testimony in the purpose and life and reality of Christ. His life was of infinite worth and has the power to redeem me and you. I like what it says in 3 Nephi 15:9. It's really profound: 

'Behold, I am the law, and the light. Look unto me, and endure to the end, and ye shall live; for unto him that endureth to the end will I give eternal life.' 

He is the ONLY way back and the more we learn the more clear it comes. I am so grateful for his perfect life and perfect love for us, as imperfect as we are.

Hope you all have a wonderful week! Remember how much you are loved and keep smiling(:

Mucho amor,
Hermana Briggs

Week 25 - No Email this week!

Week 24 - "Harden not their heart"

January 30, 2018

Familia y amigos!
I forgot my old agenda this week so we'll see what I can remember. This week went really good. We are trying to focus more on the investigators we have to help them llegar al bautismo. (arrive at baptism.) I have really high hopes for them in the next few weeks!

The zone!
We had two lessons with Luis this week, and he is really starting to progress. We talked about the Word of Wisdom again and he said it was really hard to follow and didn't understand why all the laws or rules are necessary and said it's something he's done for 30 years so how could he just stop? So I told him if he followed through I would give up chocolate. Now listen, before the mish I didn't love chocolate all that much, but somehow here I have developed a strong love for it, don't know how (I even try to stay far away from it!). But I think he saw the sacrfice involved, so he said yes! And we shook on it. And this lesson he said he really wanted to read and start doing the things that will help him grow his faith. 
Baptism of Daniela! (the girl to the left of me is Paulina, our investigator!)

Well fast forward like 3 days, he didn't end up going to church or the baptism we had this weekend he said he would go to. Yesterday we had a lesson, and he started talking about science and theories and he would read the bible like it was just another book, not really the word of God that talks about Jesus Christ, who is really just another man and that everybody has faith in what they believe in then back to the not understanding why the Word of Wisdom is so necessary and saying that he wasn't really sure what he believed. What?! I couldn't believe it, it seemed like everything we had taught him was falling apart. Then Hna Vasquez shared a scripture, Alma 12:9-11 that was too perfect. It was when Alma talked with Zeezrom, who was an anti-Christ. I could paraphrase but it wouldn't have the same effect! It says: 
9 And now Alma began to expound these things unto him, saying: It is given unto many to know the mysteries of God; nevertheless they are laid under a strict command that they shall not impart only according to the portion of his word which he doth grant unto the children of men, according to the heed and diligence which they give unto him.
10 And therefore, he that will harden his heart, the same receiveth the lesser portion of the word; and he that will not harden his heart, to him is given the greater portion of the word, until it is given unto him to know the mysteries of God until he knoweth them in full.
11 And they that will harden their hearts, to them is given the lesser portion of the word until they know nothing concerning his mysteries; and then they are taken captive by the devil, and led by his will down to destruction. Now this is what is meant by the chains of hell.
The "gringo" trio.

Those that harden their heart will never know the truth of these things. Those who do not give heed and diligence will not be given the mysteries of God. Those that harden their hearts will be given a lesser portion, until they know nothing because they doubt everything. BUT those that do not harden their heart will know the mysteries of God in FULL, according to their heed and diligence. He started to understand after this and his head actually kinda turned and I could see him thinking all of this through in his mind. 
Hermana Halling from back home, who is returning home soon!

Then, (wait it gets better), there's a doorbell. He goes up to get it and who is is?? Yep, the Elders Quorum president and his first counselor!! Woohhoo!! The ward counsel pep talk from the bishop worked and they were coming by to visit him because he broke both his arms. They are so great. At first I thought that this was real tacky that now there were 4 of us here but then the spirit whispered to me don't worry, I've got this all under control, just trust me, this is my work. So I did. We asked them to share their conversion story (because they both are converts, what are the odds!) and they told about their drug addictions and how the gospel completely changed their lives and allll the blessings they've seen from it and AH it was literally perfect. They walked in right at the precise time and shared exactly what Luis needed. After he told us that the visit meant a lot because not even one of his friends dropped by to see how he was doing with his arms. He told us that sometimes it's good to have this type of discussion because it can change the way you think about things. Anyway, in case you haven't had examples enough, God's plan is always- ALWAYS better than our own. Always. aaand he's got everything under control, just trust him. 
The yellow brick squad (who recently got separated from cambios today:'(

Paulina is also progressing a lot! She came to the baptism we had in our ward Saturday of the mom of a super cute family (the husband is a member) and she came to church and loved it. She's already planning on getting baptized and is so incredibly prepared.

I hope you all know how much our Heavenly Father loves you. His plan is perfect, just keep trying and give the best you know how. God will help you with the rest. Now get up and go do some good!!
Mucho mucho amor,
Hermana Briggs

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Week 23 - Pastel de choclo, parotos con mazamorra, y humintas

January 23, 2018

Dearest familia y amigos!
To start off, the subject line consists of three foods that are really famous in Chile in the summer..and it's all because the main ingredient is corn! So we've eaten a lot of corny food this week. Who knew Chileans liked corn so much?! (:

This week was really good. We started working at finding and contacting menos activos and going through the ward directory to find them all and it's working really well! We've found a few and are visiting them to help them realize their potential with the envangelio of Christ. With some of them who have moved away we have found new investigators in the houses of where the members lived too. The challenge right now is just finding people in their houses because many are on vacations or are hardly in their house because they are working. But when we find them it's always really good. 

This week we we got a call from a member late at night (10:50 pm). She was calling to give us a reference! She said that she was at an almacen (like a small store in someone's house) and ran into her neighbor and the granddaughter of her neighbor who is 24 years old. The granddaughter (Paulina) started asking questions about the church saying that she had always wanted to participate but didn't know how! So our member naturally said she has some friends that would love to visit her and tell her more! What a great member missionary she is. So she got her address and called us! We visited her the day after and GUESS WHAT?! Paulina wants to be baptized and go to church and participate in the activities and have her son who is 8 participate in primary! I had never met anyone so prepared and anxious to hear our message! She went to church Sunday and showed up 30 min early and told us she had a hard time sleeping the night before because she was so excited. She's is so darling! And the member that referred her sat with her the whole time and explained everything and showed her around the church and invited her to activities and it really motivated me to ask more members for references! She was our big miracle this week, but we have also seen lots of small ones, because God always is helping us and blessing us with miracles!

I've been trying really hard to listen to the voice of the spirit more and following the promptings and giving it my all everyday so that I and the Lord will be satisfied each day. I know that He is helping us in every moment because this is His work and he helps it progress and guides us if we are ready and willing to listen. I'm so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who is always going to help us, especially when we ask. He will give us the experiences we need to learn what we need, even if we don't understand at first. Now I am learning to understand some of the reasons I've had some of my experiences, and I'm sure I will just continue to realize just how much He is blessing me and the people here, and I know he is doing the same for each of you. Just trust Him. He's got it all under control. 

Love you all so much! Thank you for all your support and prayers!!
Hermana Briggs

"Voice of the Spirit"by James E. Faust

Week 77 - 5 things I've learned from my mission

February 5, 2019 Hola!! Wow. What an adventure! I can't believe this is it! The mission has definitely been the best experience I h...