Friday, August 31, 2018

Week 31 - Ser Una Luz

March 20, 2018

Hello all! This week was fabulous and I hope yours was too!!

There was a lot of new things this week, well new everything. New area, investigators, ward, comp so it was a bit of an adjustment, but I love everything! I'm so happy and it's nice that I can start fresh.

Our area is very city-ish! I don't even know how to describe it, but I love it!! There are so many people and the area is a lot bigger than my last one.

I learned a lot from a reunion we had on Friday that I want to apply. We talked about the theme of light in the scriptures (I invite you all to look and find the theme of light in the scriptures too!) and the new focus we have, which is increasing our faith in Christ and His promises. I had a district meeting a few weeks ago where our district leader talked about the promises from the scriptures and how powerful those promises are. I really liked how our faith in Christ will directly relate with the fulfillment of the promises! So we should increase our faith in Christ to act on that faith unto the fulfillment of the promises.

We have been working with a few people in specific this week: Jose and Carol and Juan Pablo. Carol is a sweetheart and came to the relief society activity on Friday for the 100th year celebration or something like that, and it was amazing, that day we had discussed the plan of salvation, which she had a lot of questions about, and the activity was alice in wonderland themed and talked about the importance of decisions and deciding what plan, the plan of eternal happiness or eternal misery. It was really cutely done but also full of the spirit and EXACTLY what Carol needed. 

We invited Juan Pablo, who doesn't believe much in Christ (but he's progressing  a lot with his faith in Him) to be baptized, and he didn't say no! He said he'll pray about  it, which is really good becasue he's been investigating for a while and it says on his registro that every other time he said he doesn't like ritual things and so no. We also invited Carol to be baptized and she said yes! She just need to get married(:

Sunday night was really fun, because on the way home from the charla we ended up being in a group of missionaries and decided to sing hymns. We sang some of our favorites and at the end a man talked to one of the elders asking about the church! It was really cool to feel how the spirit can speak to us through music, no matter where we are!

Love you all! keep being a light!!

Hermana Briggs

pics: if I'm with a gringa, shes my new comp (ice cream and temple I think) all the others are from my last area that I couldn't send until now(:

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