Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Week 23 - Pastel de choclo, parotos con mazamorra, y humintas

January 23, 2018

Dearest familia y amigos!
To start off, the subject line consists of three foods that are really famous in Chile in the summer..and it's all because the main ingredient is corn! So we've eaten a lot of corny food this week. Who knew Chileans liked corn so much?! (:

This week was really good. We started working at finding and contacting menos activos and going through the ward directory to find them all and it's working really well! We've found a few and are visiting them to help them realize their potential with the envangelio of Christ. With some of them who have moved away we have found new investigators in the houses of where the members lived too. The challenge right now is just finding people in their houses because many are on vacations or are hardly in their house because they are working. But when we find them it's always really good. 

This week we we got a call from a member late at night (10:50 pm). She was calling to give us a reference! She said that she was at an almacen (like a small store in someone's house) and ran into her neighbor and the granddaughter of her neighbor who is 24 years old. The granddaughter (Paulina) started asking questions about the church saying that she had always wanted to participate but didn't know how! So our member naturally said she has some friends that would love to visit her and tell her more! What a great member missionary she is. So she got her address and called us! We visited her the day after and GUESS WHAT?! Paulina wants to be baptized and go to church and participate in the activities and have her son who is 8 participate in primary! I had never met anyone so prepared and anxious to hear our message! She went to church Sunday and showed up 30 min early and told us she had a hard time sleeping the night before because she was so excited. She's is so darling! And the member that referred her sat with her the whole time and explained everything and showed her around the church and invited her to activities and it really motivated me to ask more members for references! She was our big miracle this week, but we have also seen lots of small ones, because God always is helping us and blessing us with miracles!

I've been trying really hard to listen to the voice of the spirit more and following the promptings and giving it my all everyday so that I and the Lord will be satisfied each day. I know that He is helping us in every moment because this is His work and he helps it progress and guides us if we are ready and willing to listen. I'm so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who is always going to help us, especially when we ask. He will give us the experiences we need to learn what we need, even if we don't understand at first. Now I am learning to understand some of the reasons I've had some of my experiences, and I'm sure I will just continue to realize just how much He is blessing me and the people here, and I know he is doing the same for each of you. Just trust Him. He's got it all under control. 

Love you all so much! Thank you for all your support and prayers!!
Hermana Briggs

"Voice of the Spirit"by James E. Faust

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