Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Week 48 - Cambios!

July 17, 2018

hello hello!

Primeramente, we had cambios today! Hermana Siebach was sent to Enrique Olivares and left this morning. She's become one of my best friends and I am a much better person because of her, so I was really super sad that she left, but know it is for the better and that I have an awesome new comp that I will definitely learn a lot from! Change is hard, but that's how you know you are progressing, so todo bien!

This week we visited Ines and Felix with our new mission leader, Hermano Melo, and it went stellar. We taught the word of wisdom, which we knew would be a little harder for Felix to accept for the coffee and alcohol. I am so glad that hermano Melo was there to first develop a trust with them and then explain how simple the word of wisdom is and how much it benefits us- as he was able to strongly and clearly testify of that. It was impossible to think that not obeying the word of wisdom was wise or had benefits at all! Ines committed to living it, and Felix said that he would start to drop coffee and give us a date on our next visit for when he would drop everything completely. They are progressing soooo well and I have just come to love their family. The elders are teaching Felix's daughter, Antonia who is golden as well. I can't waiiiitt!!

The potential is HUGE here and I'm excited I can be a part of it. I hit my 11 months yesterday, and it's crazy to think that I've been here in chile for almost a year. I really have learned so much, sometimes I can't really think or remember about how I was before the mission, but I'm glad, because I've found the real me here and learned things I'm going to apply for the rest of my life. But until then, vamos a trabajar! Hermana Zacarias is really great and I can tell that she is going to bless many lives here. 

Love you all so much! Never forget that God is there always for us. He loves us with a love we can't even understand. Are you anxious? Pray. Tired? Pray. Stressed? Pray. Impatient? Pray. Disappointed in yourself? Pray. Need charity? Pray. Need answers? Pray. I promise God is there in EVERY moment to comfort us when we need it and we WILL feel of His love. I know because I have felt of it. He never would nor ever will leave us solo. It's not in His character. Read a scripture, sing a hymn, serve someone else and He will be there.

It's a lovely day to be living. Make the most of it!

Hermana Briggs

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