Thursday, February 7, 2019

Week 53 - He Doth Call You

August 21, 2018

Hello hello! 
This week went really really well. We met the goal of having a member in one lesson every single day and we are already seeing the difference! We've had a few family home evenings with people who are getting to know the church and members. Amarilys (who has a baptismal date) is progressing really well and tells us she knows it's true and realizes that she's been prepared by her rather difficult background to be at the point she is. We visited many less actives this week as well, helping them to set the temple as a goal to seal their families. 
Cerro 18, our district activity up in the mountains. So nice to get away from the city for a while!

I reached my year mark and can't believe how fast time flies! I have 6 months left, and no, I'm definitely not counting, but knowing that does make me want to truly make the most out of the time I have here and to improve in what I can. I think that's one thing, maybe it's the only thing, but one thing I'm really constistent with- desiring and trying to get better. I have come to LOVE this gospel and really want to help others come to feel of the pure power it possess. 
Santiago! from the most South side. 

I've been reading the Book of Mormon lately, from start to finish, and really I could go on and on about how true and inspired it is, but I'm going to share a little of what I've read and connected between a few verses. 

First is Alma 5:38---
38 Behold, I say unto you, that the good shepherd doth call you; yea, and in his own name he doth call you, which is the name of Christ; and if ye will not hearken unto the voice of the good shepherd, to the name by which ye are called, behold, ye are not the sheep of the good shepherd. 

Mosiah 26:18---
18 Yea, blessed is this people who are willing to bear my name; for in my name shall they be called; and they are mine.

Mosiah 26:23---
24 For behold, in my name are they called; and if they know me they shall come forth, and shall have a place eternally at my right hand.

We step up to take our own salvation. God calls us, but he will not approach each of us and give us a diploma or badge of the celestial kingdom. No. He will call for us- He is calling for us- in His own name, (which is one of the reasons we promise to be willing to bear His name or take upon us the name of Christ during baptism) and IF we know Him, we will come forth, (come forth out of the world, out of pride and envy and sin). That is why we must first come to KNOW Him, and then we will be able to follow Him and come forth when He calls us in His own name.

I hope that made sense. Ah I love the scriptures! There is always always more to learn from them and I love that! 

Love you all! Today is a lovely day to be living! Find a way to make today a good one!

Hermana Briggs
Me and hna Zacarias, my- (until the recent changes)- comp!

We had an asado! wahoo!

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