Thursday, February 7, 2019

Week 52 - Ministrar!!

August 14, 2018

family and friends!

a few highlights:

On Wednesday we had lunch with a widowed member who is the only member in her family. She is super faithful and has the strongest testimony that she is always willing to share. She is always giving and giving and giving, her love, time, and efforts, to help others, especially those who often get forgotten. She gives so much that many times she is forgotten, or most everyone just assumes she's ok, because she's rock solid, right? Talking to her during lunch she opened up and told us about a few of the great difficulties she's having. Wow, it made me love her even more. Even through all the difficult things SHE is going through, she doesn't complain, she doesn't make it an excuse, and she continues with faith in what she knows is true. It's amazing! We found some needs she had and were able to serve her that day by cleaning and organizing a part of her house. She was SO grateful and happy when we got done. Every time we have offered to help her, she always responded saying that we shouldn't worry about her and we should just find people to teach! But I've learned on the mission that most people -and many that need help- don't accept the offer of help until you take action and just do it. Find the need and fill it. That is the kind of MINISTERS that are truly Christlike. I challenge you to find someone that maybe get's forgotten or needs help, find a need, and act on it. You will feel of Christ's love for them, your testimony will be strengthened, and you have the spirit with you stronger this week. 

The biggest blessing happened this week! A member gave us a reference this week who is GOLDEN!! She came to an activity this week, then to church, then we had a lesson- invited her to be baptized and she accepted!! Wahoo!! Her name is Amarilys and is from Cuba and has been here for 6 months. Her story is amazing and has definitely been prepared to receive the gospel. She also introduced us to her nephew who is also super receptive. I already love her!

Wow a whole lot more happened this week, but that's all I have time for. Hope you all have an amazing week! 

Hermana Briggs

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