Monday, February 11, 2019

Week 71 - Merry CHRISTmas!!

December 24, 2018

This week has been a very special one! We've had something (singing in the plaza, visitas, choir performance, capilla abierta, contacting in Pocuro for the pesebre, to name just a few) every single day, but that is what has made this week so incredibly amazing!

If you look at the pics there's one of a choir. Really this was one of the most special things I have been able to do this Christmas! This Christmas has been fillllled with music that just fills my heart!
We put this choir together really just right before. All the singers in our zone sang and the others that didn't sing passed out 'Ilumina el Mundo' or 'Light the World' cards. They passed out stacks of them!

We communicated with the city to allow us to sing in the community and a man took us around to various locations in a plaza to sing. The plaza was filled with little tent shops- it's called a Feria and this one was made especially for Christmas, so everyone that was there, was there to buy things. After finishing one of the songs, a lady told me, 'This is the true meaning of Christmas, thank you for reminding us.' I thought that was really special, seeing as we were in the mist of money and physical gifts, yet we were singing of Christ and His life, which is the greatest gift of them all that money can't buy. I hope we can all remember this. Christ is the life, the light, and the hope of this world. Through Him is the only way we can find peace in this this life and happiness in the one to come.
I was reading in Alma 15 this week and came across these scriptures. It's talking about Zeezrom, a man who is very sick with fever because of all the terrible things he had done. Maybe we aren't sick exactly like Zeezrom, but we all need the power of Christ in our lives to heal us from the weaknesses, pains, and trials we each have. 

6 And it came to pass that Alma said unto him, taking him by the hand: Believest thou in the power of Christ unto salvation?
7 And he answered and said: Yea, I believe all the words that thou hast taught.
8 And Alma said: If thou believest in the redemption of Christ thou canst be healed.
9 And he said: Yea, I believe according to thy words.
10 And then Alma cried unto the Lord, saying: O Lord our God, have mercy on this man, and heal him according to his faith which is in Christ.
I know that if we have faith in Christ, He will heal us! He was born and He lived for us so that if we believe in Him, He can have mercy on us. His power is real and how grateful I am that God gave Him to us. His birth is a miracle, His life is too, and he can work miracles in us if we let him. 
Hope you all have the Merriest of Christmas's! Love you all!

hermana briggs

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