Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Week 32 - Vamos Las Condes

March 27, 2018

happy weekly update:

We had zone conference wednesday which is always just the greatest. I got to teach a part with my comp and the zone leaders to the rest of our zone about the importance of doing practices, which our president wants us to focus on a lot more. Something that I realized while preparing for this was that Christ didn't start his full ministry until he was 30 years old. He was preparing for all that time! And if you think of all the great athletes and musicians, they practiced for hours and hours every week just for their 5 min performance or 2 hour game. So what would it take to be a master missionary?? Practice and prepare of course! So that's one of our focuses for this exchange, doing practices as comps, to fulfill our end objective which is to increase our faith in Christ and in His promises. So if anything scares you or you're nervous, just practice it! Even if it is something that seems silly to do so.

This week we met with Karina who has so many questions del alma! She is 23 and is getting married next january, and 23 is really young to be getting married here, and she is doing it becasue she feels the family is really important to God. She is willing to read the book of mormon and pray to know if it is true, and because she is willing to act and recieve answers I know she is going to get one. God really does respond according to our faith! We are meeting with her tonight and I'm really excited.

We had a family home evening with a menos activos family where we shared about easter and talked about the impotance of Christ in our lives. They have gone through quite a few hard things in the recent past, and the hermana was crying becasue she was remembering how blessed she was to recieve her trials. She recognized the things she had gained becasue of them, and that they are things money can't buy, like closer relations with her family and with Christ. She came to church this sunday with her 3 of her kids since months and months and it really was such a miracle!

I love being a missionary and sometimes can't imagine not being one. I hope each of you are loving where you are and what you're doing, and try to think of some blessing you wouldn't have without a trial you are going through or have had recently. I know God is blessing us more that we can realize.

Don't forget to watch the prophets and apostles of God speak to us this saturday and sunday! I promise that if you prepare to recieve answers and guidance you will be answered and be inspired by the words of the living prophets. Wahoo can't wait!!

Love love and more love,
Hermana Briggs

ps fun lunch story: we ate at a chef's house this week and had sea slug called locos, (loco means crazy in spanish) and I can tell you from experience, yep..they were pretty 'loco'

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