Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Week 15 - Prayers to be guided

November 28, 2018

Dearest family and friends,

Another week! This week we progressed a lot with Carla, one of our newer investigators. We had a lesson with her and went to the temple with her and a member Saturday, which was amazing. The spirit was really strong there and we talked about the importance of the temple and the eternal perspective. We invited her to be baptized if she found these things to be true and she said very quickly yes! We will keep working with her to help grow her faith and testimony for herself, which is just little by little. She also attended church Sunday! She is a very cute girl and mature for her age. Ah she's going to do great things!

We've also been working a lot more with less actives, in particular 2, Roller -pronounced Royer-(17 yo) and Alexander (19 yo). It's been really amazing to see them progress so much in their testimony while I've been here (as we started visiting them when I got here). Roller is going to church by himself now and reading the scriptures and praying almost everyday! And he has a light in his eyes that wasn't there before. The gospel truly changes lives! His little brother (12 yo, not a member) has never joined us for a lesson, but he did this week! He knew so much already about the plan of salvation and is the sweetest kid ever! He talks and talks super fast that I can't understand him super well but I just laugh and smile because he is. Alexander in our first lessons was very closed off and did not express anything, if at all interest, but now he is responding with his heart and truly wants to build his faith and learn, it's really a miracle. He said that now that he knows what is here for him, he can be ignorant to the truth, that now he's kind of obligated to keep learning more ha ha, so practical but so true, I love it. 

A miracle this week happened! We found that when we pray when contacting to be guided to who is ready for the gospel it works a whole lot better than using our own brain and judgement, so we are doing that now, and one day we were walking and I noticed a house, but we could hear at mom yelling at her child so we kept walking thinking the last thing the mother needs is some missionaries to bug her. So we kept walking. But then Hermana Silva turned around and yelled allo and a woman answered very friendly. She asked how us Elders were doing (we get that a lot, people think the sisters are called elders too!) she was super friendly and told us that she had moved to our area 2 months ago and had been searching for the elders but couldn't find them! She was trying to find out what time church was because she wanted to attend because she had been taking lessons before, and her pareja is Mormon too! His name is Jarom Mosiah ha ha, yep pretty Mormon. That was a real miracle and shows that God knows who we need to go to better than we do, we just need to be ready to act and respond! That's the harder part, but oh so worth it, we will  never regret responding to any good prompting. This is just one example of many. 
Another fun fact, we are now besties with the drug dealers in our area, ha ha. Oh, man, that's another fun story;)

Hope you all have an amazing week! Try to focus on following the promptings of the Spirit this week, he's always there to help guide!

Much love,
Hermana Briggs

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