Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Week 50 - Heya!

July 31, 2018

sorry I've been kind of terrible about writing groupies. but here's a little from this week!

few things: we had cambios last week! Which means that hermana Siebach went back to Javi Cavi :'( and I got a new comp! Her name is Hermana Zacarias and is from Rosario, Argentina. She's AWESOME! We get a long super well and we're working hard here in Las Condes.
Our zone today!

highlights of this week:

- the mother of an hermana (menos activa, mainly because she had to take care of her mom) that hermana siebach and I visited passed away this last week. I brought my violin to the viewing (which lasts for a few days, they do the funeral thing a little different here) and played some hymns for the hermana and her family and friends. Nancy, the daughter was crying and I gave her a big hug and shared the little words of comfort that I could. After Hermana Zacarias was able to testify and share her testimony. It was really special because even though we had visited the hermana during all my months here, only 2 weeks ago she let us meet her mom. Her mom couldn't talk hardly at all, but tried to mutter a word when we met her- 'lindas' she said. I'm grateful that families are eternal and that when a loved one passes, it's more of a 'see you later' than a goodbye. The spirit testifies so strong of this truth, and I definitely felt it this Sunday.

- a young women, Valentina, (pretty sure I've talked about her before) accompanied us to a few lessons we had planned Thursday. We passed by for every one we had and they all fell through! Almost every time she accompanies us this happens, and I'm pretty sure it's because the adversary knows that her testimony is so strong and does everything in his power so that the people don't feel of it's power! But anyway, we were  walking to the church for mutual and our correlation and a women asked Valentina something about Teleton (which is a special needs foundation that helps with disabilities and has a tv show and everything). Important detail here: Valentina is in a wheel chair because of a virus that she develloped 2 years ago or so. Long story short, this women's husband worked for this foundations and died 2 months ago. Valentina was able to share her testimony and words of comfort and hope and faith. It was really powerful! She got baptized in January of this year and is so strong and a huge example!

I challenge you all to think about your sacrament experience this week. What are you doing to prepare -during the week- to take the sacrament? Is there something that distracts you during the sacrament? Is partaking of the sacrament an uplifting and purifying experience? Do you truly remember what the sacrament represents and why you're taking it? What can you do better to make partaking of the sacrament a moment of reflection and renovation? I am trying to be better in this. Many times it's hard to not think of the investigadors- are they ok? do they understand all this? how are they receiving the sacrament? - but the sacrament is for us personally! I am trying to really focus on truly partaking of the sacrament, and it has made a HUGE difference. And I challenge you to do the same. It is an ordinance that Christ Himself ordained, not for Him, but for us! What a blessing!

I hope you all have a lovely week! I really love and miss you all, but making the choice to serve the Lord, in Chile specifically, is the best decision I have ever made. Everyday is just a great day to be alive, but especially today!

Hermana Briggs
Hermanas in our zone.

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