Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Week 47 - The Vinyard

July 10, 2018

This week was SO great! Here's why:
- I got to have a few conferences and interview (conferencia de zona y concilio de liderazgo) with our AWESOME new president, President Brotherson and his wife. They were trained for 3 or 4 days by the apostles and prophet and even though I could tell they might have been a little overwhelmed by the task that lies ahead of them, they are SO prepared and ready and excited to help our mission reach the potential it has! 

- We had intercambios (exchanges) with Hermana Henson and Hermana Gonzalez, which is always really fun! We taught a lesson to a woman named Angelica (but when we met her a few days ago we totally wrote her name down as Ranzel, but we quickly found out that wasn't even close ha ha). She has two little poodle-looking type dogs that were ferocious! They kept yapping and grabbing at our heels, Angelica said they wouldn't do anything but I know I felt teeth on my calves! I was guessing that kicking her dogs wouldn't be the best impression to give, so we resisted. The lesson went well. She studied to be a Nun for 12 years and is very Catholic, but poco a poco!
- We got a new mission leader who is super capo! (chilean for a capable or stud). He is so excited to help and just gets things done. I love when members magnify their calling to the fullest. It makes allll the difference!!

- The CUTEST hermana made us Japanese food! Her husband is from Japan but has lived here ever since they got married. Her name is Hermana Kazama and is always thinking of others and how she can help. What a great example for us all!

- It rained! I love the rain.

- We got super frustrated at one point cause nobody wanted to listen to us. It was one of those 'what am I doing here' moments (we all have them I think) and sat down on a bench. We talked for a second and then a lady entered the park. I had the feeling to talk to her but then thought no, I don't want to be rejected once again! But so glad I did because if not I wouldn't have been able to meet Pilar and pray and cry with her. The spirit will always tell us 'ALL things that we SHOULD do' but we have to be the ones to decide to DO them. We'll be blessed when we do(:

Hermana Siebach and I are reading the Book of Mormon in Spanish together and we read Jacob 5 yesterday, the parable of the olive tree. I never really got it and just got pretty bored before when I read it before the mish, but this time, WOW it's so clear and we can learn SO much from it! One verse that I loved was Jacob 5:22- 

"And the Lord of the vineyard said unto him: Counsel me not; I knew that it was a poor spot of ground; wherefore, I said unto thee, I have nourished it this long time, and thou beholdest that it hath brought forth much fruit."

God knows the potential each person has, and though sometimes some need a little more nourishment and we can't see if our efforts are making a difference, God knows what each person needs to 'give fruit.' God is the Lord of the vineyard and we are the nourishers; let us not counsel Him saying that we have done good enough or they aren't going to change, or that it's not worth the effort. He knows every situation perfectly and we can help Him nourish a person, a place, our family, or the church wherever we are with persistence until it gives fruit!

The Tame and Wild Olive Trees 

Love, love you all so much! Read your scriptures and say your prayers and God will speak to you, that's a promise! What a wonderful day to be alive, no?

Hermana Briggs

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