Monday, March 26, 2018

Week 8 - Chillin' in Chile

October 10, 2017

Hola familia y amigos,

Eating completos with the district.  
Amazing week of lots of ups and downs. It's honestly so crazy how easy it is to get frustrated with things, but I did learn a lot this week and every trial is a blessing! Really, God is blessing me so much out here; its unreal and I'm so grateful for his help.

Tuesday: We taught L., who I contacted the first night I came out to the field. He is so interested, and he also invited his sister to the lesson, who happened to go to a Liahona high school, which is kinda like a Mormon school, but not. It's a Christian school where they teach standards almost exactly the same with prayers and everything, and a lot of members go there. So, she had friends serve missions and such and because of they're examples she was really open to learn more. So cool how the Lord prepares people and puts them in our path! They both said they would read and pray about the Book of Mormon. So excited!

Wednesday: Tried to contact an investigator (the one I asked to get baptized), to no avail. The people she rents from are Evangelist (really strongly too), and when she let us into her house they told her after that they didn't want us there and she told them that we were good people, etc. and yeah, last we heard she was making our investigator find another place to live...super sad. And her little girl was in the hospital too. Ah, keeping her in our prayers. Stopped by F.'s and ahhh, one of his friends (a Jehovah Witness) told him when she found out that he was taking lessons that we were evil and liars. And all of his friends are telling him religion is a waste of time and now he can't drink with them, and all of this is really hard on him. As hard as it is I think this will be a good test of faith for him and will help him grow a lot stronger! I challenged him to sincerely pray about the Book of Mormon and the truthfulness of it. He's awesome and I know he can make it through because of the countless blessings that come through keeping the gospel!

Thursday: First lesson with a new investigator! M. and B. They are super ready for this gospel. Also side note..people in Chile talk so much. So much. Sometimes its hard to teach anything because they just keep talking and you don't even have to say a word! It's good, though, 'cause you get to know them really well..well when I understand it, ha ha. Also, Chileans speak so bad, they all admit it too! There's a lot of slang language and they speak really fast and don't say their "s" at the end of words and such. One day we talked to a Peruvian and, oh, my goodness I could understand almost everything, ha ha, it's so crazy!

Friday: Harder day with a really great ending. We invited two of our pregnant Haitian investigators to a Relief Society party baby shower with games and food (empenanadas, yum) and it was so fun. They are so, so funny I could go on and tell some pretty funny stories, but don't have time. The hermanas that came up and talked to our investigators were angels, because everyone wants a friend and to feel included. Wherever you are, make an extra effort to get out of your comfort zone and find someone that needs your help, because I promise there is someone who does and God will use you to bless lives!

Saturday: Taught L. again about the Plan of Salvation! Oh, man, he kept asking questions and wanted more and more. Nobody answered or wanted to talk to us this day. And we decided to drop one of our investigators who has been taking lessons for a long time, but just isn't progressing. We've spent a lot of time with him and that was pretty sad.

Sunday: I bore my testimony in sacrament meeting! So scary. But good at the same time. That night was a Charla Foganera (or fireside) with the entire mission for investigators with music, videos, and testimonies of recent converts. F. and L. came and the spirit was so strong! I know they both felt it. It was also so nice to see members of my district and other missionaries out in the field just like me! We are all in this glorious work together. 

Monday: District reunion. Super great. Talked to the Peruvian and he wants us to drop by tonight to share more. His brother who has passed away was a member and he told us how he remembers when he got baptized how he noticed how his life changed for the better and is super interested in everything we had to say. I was able to speak a lot more than normal, and I know it was because I had the spirit with me and within our companionship. I'm slowly getting the language, but only with the help of the Lord. It's amazing how much of a difference it makes with speaking Spanish when I have the spirit with me strongly. I have a really strong testimony of this now, that I need to be worthy and seek for the companionship of the Holy Ghost, and He is helping me more than I even realize.

Today! I got to attend the temple!! Almost my whole district in the CCM was there and it was so good to see familiar faces. Really, they're like my family out here. And I just love the temple. I'm so blessed I get to go so often out here! Also had an activity with our district (pictured below). We ate completos, which are like hotdogs with tomatoes and mayo and guac and are SO good. Then we played volleyball and soccer. 

So grateful for all I'm learning and experiencing out here! It's hard, but amazingly good too. I love you all and hope you find a way to make someone else's day. It will make your day, I promise! 

Much love,
Hermana Briggs

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