Thursday, January 18, 2018

Week 1 - I Love Santiago!

August 30, 2017

Hola Familia y Amigos,
Loving the food

Wednesday: Last pday (preparation day) was super great! We got to go to a session at the Santiago temple, and it was amazing. I love how no matter where you go, the beautiful teachings of the gospel are always the same! We also got to go outside into the city..we got to get a taste of Santiago and their culture. This mtc (missionary training center) is one of the only mtcs where you get to go outside of the mtc grounds while attending the mtc, so that´s cool! We went to Liders, which is like the Walmart brand. There are no goldfish crackers, no milk, and tooonns of bread. I guess it´s a give and take. Hermana G. and I also got a much needed nap, haha. Hermana G. and I sat and talked. It had been a hard week.  I shared a scripture and gave her advice, and I know what I said to her was inspired, I can´t even remember everything I said. 

Thursday: Hermana G. and I taught a lesson to our practice investigator Raphael, which is kinda hard because we know exactly what we want to say, but can´t say it! Anyway, at one point Hermana G. was trying to say that the Holy Ghost is a member of the Godhead, so she said, ¨El Espiritu Santo es un miembro de .....´she couldn´t think of the word. In my head I was hoping she wouldn't say this, but she did..."un miembro de el Dios cabeza´...HAHA. (it translates directly to God´s head) Our teacher\investigator started busting up laughing, and so did we. It was so funny. Oh, my, just so y'all know, Godhead in Spanish is Trinidad, not Dios cabeza.

Friday: We had hamburgers for lunch!!!! Oh man they weren´t grilled and were kinda soggy but we didn´t even care!! They had mayo and ketchup, and even guac!! Most days we have chicken and rice, or a variation of it. Sometimes we have salmon or pasta with ´salsa´which is just sauce, but it´s always decent. Oh, they even gave us cheesecake. Blessed. We can also go running or exercise outside the city everyday as long as we stay within bounds, so Friday we ran in a really pretty park, the one with the fountain and palm trees. I brought a passalong card Rachel gave me in Spanish from Peru and we actually talked to a guy sitting on a bench and gave him the card! It was so scary but he was really nice and respectful. 

Saturday: We went out into the grounds around the temple to share a scripture and practice our Spanish with the people out there and we stopped and talked to a few old ladies who were so nice and sweet, and I could understand almost everything they said! Then we shared the scripture with another women and after we had her read it a thought popped into my head (definitely the spirit) to ask her what her favorite scripture was. I handed her my Book of Mormon and she opened to D&C 122:7-9. It is when Joseph Smith was in Carthage and God tells him that though the jaws of hell will open unto him, it will be for his good and for his experience. She continued to tell us that she knows our mission is going to be hard and the Chileans speak fast and really bad, and it´s going to be frustrating and challenging, but it will all be for our good, and God will bless us so much. It will be so worth it. I just about started tearing up because it was EXACTLY what I needed right then. It´s amazing how much God knows us and works through us and others to strengthen us and others. We are His hands, and that´s such a privilege.

Sunday: I love Sundays so much. I taught Relief Society and it went super good. I taught about the Holy Ghost, and I decided after studying and preparing a lot, we really underestimate how powerful the Spirit is. We need to learn to be sensitive to it and allow him to work in us and we can become powerful instruments in God´s hands. 

Monday: I've started reading my scriptures out loud and it´s really helped with pronunciation and understanding Spanish. It´s hard and frustrating, but it will just come with time and practice! I had an amazing study experience this day, and can witness to you all that Jesus is the Christ, and there is no place I'd rather be than serving Him in Chile right now. I am so honored, blessed, and humbled to be representing Him. I really encourage you all to read in 3 Nephi when he appears to the Nephites. AHHH you will be so filled with the Spirit. The Book of Mormon is sooo amazing.

Hope everyone is doing well. I pray for you every night and miss you all tons! But I´m super happy here. Love you all!
Hermana Briggs

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